MacFarland named to Union Leader’s 40 Under Forty, Class of 2022

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A message from Scott MacFarland:

Dear Friends & Family,

One year ago today, I had just embarked on the start of my cancer fighting journey after being diagnosed with Stage III Rectal Cancer in November 2020. The first phase of my treatment regiment was underway, which included receiving daily radiation treatment for 6 weeks at the Solinsky Center for Cancer Care at Elliot Hospital in Manchester, NH. I cannot thank the people who made my time there as comfortable as possible during a most uncomfortable time. My mind was consistently clouded by fear and uncertainty, and I know that all of the healthcare workers that welcomed and treated me did everything they could to make the process as smooth and as possible.

I am truly honored to be a part of this year’s Union Leader 40 Under Forty class. A class where I find myself surrounded by other individuals who are seemingly way more successful than I am. However, for me, that was the biggest thing that came out of my win against cancer…I now have the opportunity to do all that I’ve always dreamed of doing. I get to see my kids grow up, I get to continue my life partnership with my wonderful wife, I get to build my business to the level that I always imagined. Before I knew I had this horrible disease, I would always sit around and say to myself, “Someday, I’ll do this…or Someday I’ll do that.” I’m here to tell you that your life can change in an instant. Today is your day, start living your dreams now, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Take your family on that trip, start that business you’ve always wanted to start, take the leap, because I can also tell you this…when I found myself in the radiation machine, in the chemotherapy infusion chair, and when I was being rolled into surgery fading out as the anesthesia mask was being put over my face, I wanted nothing more than to be given a second chance to live my life to it’s fullest potential.

This year, during my first year of remission, I will be donating 5% of my earned commissions to the Solinksky Center for Cancer Care at Elliot Hospital. The treatment I received here was during my first of three phases to treat my cancer. I want the healthcare professionals at the Solinsky Center to know that they inspired and empowered me to give it 110% each and every day while going through the worst period of my life. I know that I can never repay them for what they did, but I am going to do everything I can to give back as much as possible.

As for you, my friends, if you’re ever in doubt about your health or you think you have symptoms for something related to something bigger, get-checked-out and get checked out now. The sooner you act, the better chance you have of defeating a more serious condition. I could have just as easily brushed off my symptoms like anyone else. Had I not gotten checked out when I did, my cancer could have metastasized into something that I wouldn’t be able to recover from. Do not wait, trust me, you don’t want to go through what I went through over the past year.

I’d like to thank my lender partner, Larraine Lencki, from Pinnacle Mortgage Corporation for nominating me for this year’s 40 Under Forty class. Larraine, you are a great friend and colleague within the industry. You take great care of me, and my clients, thank you – thank you – thank you!

I am looking forward to connecting with all of you over the next year. If you or someone you know is thinking about buying or selling real estate, please reach out to me directly at (603) 845-8662, you can call/text or email me at [email protected]. Together we can help make a difference right here in our local community.

Make today your someday, my friends,


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